Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bachelorette Parties?

I have been against the idea of a bachelorette party since I first heard what they were. I am not into going out drinking with your girlfriends, playing with sex toys or watching nearly naked men dance in a dirty nightclub. It sounds like my idea of a bad time.
Since becoming engaged I have thought about several ideas to do a version of a hens that was more me. But the more and more I thought about it the less and less I thought there was an option for me.
I am a feminist all the way and have always had an equal amount of close friends from both sexes. The idea of going out with my friends for one last hurrah sounds like a great idea. But when I thought about going out with just the girls it made me a little sad. It seemed such a shame that I couldn't invite some of my closest friends just because they were boys.
I have talked with my finace about several solutions which included a joint party where we would invite both our friends. But I don't want to miss out on my last night out without my boy, I want to go crazy and celebrate who I am without him before embarking on our life as a team.
Today I had a thought - what about a party without the boy? It seems mean to leave him out but isn't that the whole point of a hens/bucks? I would be doing just that but having the oppurtunity to invite all my friends.
I think we'll call it a 'my life before A' party!!

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